I hope you all a wonderful week, now it's time to relax and enjoy the weekend.
I know there hasn't been alot of opportunities on the portal lately. Please remember
the reasoning we created this app was to be able to make announcements at "real time"
verses sending emails so everyone knows when a client pops up on the portal. Everyone doesn't check there emails right away which there is nothing wrong with that however it can lead to you possibly missing out on a opporunity which is why this app was created. We have been to change that by using our app with that not being a big issue any longer and all of our agents are able to go to the Arise portal and enroll with that client immediately if they are interested in that client that we posted about. Please remember everything is on a first come basis, if you wait to enroll the client maybe gone as theres many other agents in other call centers enrolling into these clients which ends up filling up. So when you start the enrollment process with a client you want to make sure you complete it right then and there. Just because you clicked on the client to start the process doesn't secure your spot you have to complete the whole process which takes no more than 5 or 10 mins less. Please remember i'm always here to help if you have questions. I will keep posting as clients pop on the portal but you want to make sure you have your notifications are turned on , on the Wix app and stay logged in on the app as well. It's a new year and we are ready for it! As always we are always looking for agents so if you know anyone who can benefit from this opportunity send them our way.